Friday, March 25, 2016

Insight To The Planning Side - A Fleet Manager's Take Away

Recently Laura Pilcher had the pleasure of sitting with Jeremy Horton, an Area Service Manager at J.B. Hunt.  There was no way to predict the amount of insight and knowledge she would gain from observing his daily tasks and responsibilities.  So, to gain insight we asked her to write a review.  Enjoy the observations below that Laura made during her time with Jeremy: 

I observed that Jeremy was extremely proficient in navigating through the many programs and screens that are required for an Area Service Manager, including the Freight Sifter screen. These are loads that come over for approval before we can plan them on trucks. The Spot Price screen requires an e-mail to approve a rate on a load, multiple FM2 screens in order to see the loads for the market and another FM2 screen to see the drivers that are in the market and information on their truck including how many hours they have remaining, if they are due for time off, or if they have a trailer to run a load. 

In observing Jeremy and all his screens he still found time to constantly check capacity, ensuring loads were being covered by drivers. An ASM must have great organizational skills, as well as process the ability to manage, problem solve and trouble shoot in a fastenvironment while providing top notch customer service. In conclusion, I am very grateful for the opportunity to cross train and look forward to future opportunities.

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