Thursday, August 27, 2015

United Airlines Dossier

On a recent United Airlines flight I found a nice surprise in my in-flight magazine.  Enclosed in the magazine was a dossier promoting the state of Arkansas.  Part of the dossier included an article about the Arkansas-based companies who help us compete regionally, nationally and worldwide.  Here is short snippet on J.B. HUNT:

J.B. Hunt, meanwhile, was founded in 1961 with just five old tractors, and is now one of the biggest transportation companies in the U.S., with annual revenues in excess of $6 billion.  That sort of growth isn't possible without being innovative, as the company was when it became the first trucking firm to partner with a major railroad to haul intermodal freight, in 1989.

This opened up a far more economical approach to logistics.  Shipments that were once taken the whole way by road could now be placed in unique containers and moved much of the way by train, along with hundreds of others, before being off-loaded onto a J.B. Hunt truck for final delivery.  In 2014 the company transported more than 1.7 million intermodal shipments-equivalent to taking 530,000 cars off the road.
Kind of neat that our state and our company are recognized in such a unique fashion.  The Hemisphere Magazine produced by United Airlines has a broad group of readers.   

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