Monday, April 14, 2014

Text Me

Here is the the video to see the after:

April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month.  Two of the most dangerous distractions are cell phone use and texting.  I wanted to share a few key facts to help everyone understand why J.B. Hunt Transport has zero tolerance for cell phone use or texting by our drivers while operating a Commercial Motor Vehicle.  According to the latest data provided by (the official U.S. Government website for distracted driving):

·         Engaging in visual-manual subtasks (such as reaching for a phone, dialing, or texting) associated with the use of hand-held devices increased the risk of getting into a crash by three times.

·         Five seconds is the average time your eyes are off the road while texting.  When traveling 55mph, that’s enough time to cover the length of a football field blindfolded.

·         Headset cell phone use is not substantially safer than hand-held use.

·         At any given daylight moment in America, approximately 660,000 drivers are using cell phones or manipulating other electronic devices while driving, a number that has held steady since 2010.

To me, these are amazing statistics.  While we cannot control the habits of the motoring public, we definitely can do our part to ensure our drivers are never distracted by talking on their cell phones or texting while driving.  And by doing our part, we can help save lives.

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