Monday, November 23, 2015

Weigh My Truck Pilot

Ever wonder how many Truckload scale reimbursements flow through our system that our funded by our drivers and reimbursed over two week periods of time.  The chart above shows truckload scale events in our business unit for the first 6 months of 2015.  This information reinforces how important it is to gravitate to EFS and the "weigh my truck" app.  Our pilot is in its first week and we expect to see great results.  What does this mean to our drivers if the pilot is successful?  It means that our drivers can keep their wallet in their pocket.
  The one piece of data that we still need to understand is the amount of scale reimbursements for over $20.00.  Less than 1000 reimbursements out of 2185 in January were for the standard CAT SCALE amount of $10.50. Over 900 of our reimbursements in the month of January were for $20 or more. We will dig into the details of this line item to make sure we have a clear strategy on how to make sure we are legal, but are also using the most cost effective scaling practices.  

1 comment:

  1. My husband has been a professional truck driver for more than 20 years. It is so interesting to see the new developments with technology in this industry. I think with more apps like this one, there will be less chance of inaccurate data or reporting. The truck drivers will benefit from increased accountability and better reporting methods in the end.

    Kourtney Heard @ Hansen & Adkins Auto Transport
