Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Goodyear Fleet-Service Attaboy


I received this note from our friends in sales about our CCF folks who are taking care of Goodyear.  I wanted to share the wonderful thoughts about Jared and Lauren with all of you:


If we were an academic institution, you and your team would be honored "magna cum laude" for the work we have achieved in execution of a challenging service expectation from Goodyear.

I just want to let you know that Lauren Green is a real rockstar in managing this account. She is great at communicating directly to the customer before a load is missed. We are running at a high level of on-time service.

Jared, you are doing an outstanding job hiring the right drivers and facilitating this capacity fleet.

Great job !

Dan Ross

1 comment:

  1. It's good to see that there are such committed fleet services out there. I manage a fleet of delivery trucks that have to go over some tough terrain. I think it's about time we found a service to handle the maintenance and repair. We definitely want on that communicates well and frequently with us like the person mentioned in the post, though.
