Monday, May 2, 2016

Point to Point is Live

Point to Point was designed to provide our professional drivers with additional information to help the trip planning process.  It seeks to maximize the use of our driver's time and give the greatest opportunity to run more miles.

We are actively looking to empower everyone on the Truckload Team with the necessary tools to help make them more successful.  The information Point to Point provides will improve our ability to establish an effective and efficient trip plan.  We have seen the difference in effective trip plans, they lead to better ETA setting, which will lead to better loads, and ultimately to better miles.  

ReminderETA stands for Estimated Time of Availability.  It is the time that you expect to be ready and available for your next load.  This is a key piece of information that allows our planning team to get you the best load with the smallest amount of downtime. 

Point to point utilizes historic information and the remaining hours of service to calculate the most efficient trip plan for pre-plans and dispatches.  The historic information includes the average time spent at customer locations as well as the average transit by lane and time of day.  We will be using all hours of service values include the 11, 14, and 70 hour clocks.  The idea is that by combining these items we should be able to give each of you an effective trip plan with expected arrival times and accurate estimated time of availability or ETA. Following the plan will help you to get the most out of your time and increase your weekly miles.

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